Saturday, December 09, 2006

Make it FUNKY!

I got my funk on Friday night. Okay, before you start thinking something prurient, I mean I went to see Victor Wooten's Soul Circus at the 9:30 Club here in DC. My bass teacher Anthony Wellington is a member of the band (that's him on the left in the hat) and I have been in the presence of the Masters. These dudes rock it until it breaks apart, and what comes out is pure funk.

I had seen Victor in concert back in 2004 at the Birchmere in Arlington, Virgina, with Steve Bailey and Otiel Burbridge. And that was very funky. But, this show was deeper into the deep end than I have been in a while. The Soul Circus CD is definitely one to bounce on the car stereo. But this show rocked on.

The band featured Victor's brother Regi (AKA "Teacha") on guitar - ride the lightning, brotha - and "the knee baby" his other brother Joseph on keyboards. They were joined by a beautiful singer, Saudra Williams, and Derico Watson on drums. And of course Anthony. And they set that joint on fire.Regi Wooten (foreground) and Saundra Williams with Victor Wooten in the background at the 9:30 Club

The show rocked for a long time - they opened with the number "Victa" from the Soul Circus CD, but also featured several solos by band members. Of course Victor is like Yoda on the bass, and he just TORE IT UP.

But this band brings a definite throwback kind of funk to the groove. Accentuated by Victor's lightning-fast playing and Saundra's sultry vocals, the Soul Circus will make even a 40-something white boy's head bob.

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